Challenging Journey from Comfort Zone to Growth Zone

Inspired by the above diagram, I tried to explain my view point on this to help understand the action points which will help them build great future.

Comfort Zone: Feeling safe and in control of your life. Loves status quo and hates continuous, consistent learning. Feeling lethargic and not aware of the potato couch attitude which will mar the destroy future. These types of people suffer from self defeating behaviours and argue that they are enjoying life and we don’t know how to enjoy life. Highly argumentative people. Not teachable, coachable and trainable.

Fear Zone: This type of people lack confidence and always finds excuses with defensive attitude. Always affected by others’ opinions and try hard to live up to others expectations than try to live their dreams.
Learning Zone: We cannot make all the mistakes made by others; we can learn from others mistakes. This kind of attitude always keeps this kind of people in Learning Zone consistently and continuously. These types of people love to deal with challenges and problems. Always ready to acquire new skills to improve their personal and professional image. They extend their comfort zone with their learning skills and feel robust confidence with newly acquired knowledge from time to time.

Growth Zone:  These types of people find the purpose of their life and the purpose of the purpose. They live their dreams. They set new goals once they realize the goal on hand. Setting goals to achieve success consistently is almost their religion. If you wish to reach growth zone, stop working for others dreams instead start working hard to realize your dreams through continuous, consistent learning which add value to your current KSAs i.e. Knowledge, Skills and Attitude.  


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